Friday, June 13, 2014

Yes, Strawberries Are Here! June 14, 2014

I always get excited when fresh, local strawberries are available at the HFM. Are they my favorite? Yes...until blueberries are ready, and they become my favorite...until raspberries come in know the rest! I guess it's that strawberries are the first berry to ripen, and so they are the herald of a summer full of good eating...including corn and tomatoes and so much more to come. So be sure and stop by early tomorrow. I don't know how much will be available tomorrow, so if you don't come in  until after noon, as I usually do, don't complain to me! Remember: do as I say, not as I do! 
Both Greenman Farms and Nightengale Farms have told me they'll have strawberries tomorrow.  

The photo feature for this week shows the folks who sell their "Grammie's Goodies." Now, I thought that "Grammy" might be the  
Three generations at Grammie"s Goodies
the smiling woman in glasses, even though she hardly looks old enough to be Kendra's mother, or the children's grammy. But the original Grammie, the one whose recipes are being used, was actually Kendra's Great-grandmother. That's five, and now, six generations of good eating! All I know is that Devin, age 7, loved getting a yummy Minion cupcake last week...made and designed by the children in the photo. So a lovely family tradition is being carried on. In addition to Minions, you can find wonderful yeast breads, cookies, cakes,  pies and specialty items at this booth. 
Also tomorrow: Corinne of Break O'Day Farms will be bringing whole frozen chickens fed only organic feed, as well as fresh eggs and some gluten-free goodies for people like me.
Finally: You can find rhubarb and asparagus (and recipes for same) at the HFM, as well as fresh spring- greens and herbs and more. If you absolutely can't make it to the HFM tomorrow, like you're sick in bed or something like that ( just sayin':) post a request in the comment box at the bottom, or email:  and I'll send you the recipes.

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