Friday, June 21, 2013

Strawberries #3

Yes! There were strawberries at the HFMarket last Sat, June 15, and probably will be more this Sat.June 22. One vendor brought in 160 quarts, and sold out by 11:00!! Luckily there was another vendor selling the berries, and even better yet, that first vendor was able to bring in more berries by 12:30. So I bought my two quarts....they were INCREDIBLE! So sweet and tasty, with red color all the way through the fruit, not that white stuff that the California berries have in the center.  Of course my husband and I ate them for snacks, put them in a Strawberry & Rhubarb Crisp ( see recipe for this in previous post) and had one Strawberry Shortcake.

This week I'm planning to freeze some berries. One easy way is to sort the berries, using only the ones that are firm, ripe and red. DO NOT WASH at this time. Spread evenly on a cookie sheet, and pop in the freezer. Once frozen, put them in freezer bags/ or containers. Wash before using.

For more ideas, the MSU Extension office is a great source. I will be putting one of their Food Preservation  print-outs on the bulletin board at the Market.

Also fresh at the market this Sat, June 21 are lots of greens! One of the vendors at the Rainbow's End table tells me she LOVES GREENS! Not a greens lover? Who better to talk to about WHY she loves them, get some recipes, and try some for yourself. You already know how healthy greens are, right? Putting them in a delicious smoothie, like the Monster Smoothie (yes, it's named that to appeal to kids, but grownups like it too), may make you a fan of greens, too. We're talking about spinach, of course, but also kale, swiss chard, and more. There will be recipes for swiss chard and more on the Market bulletin.

ALSO FRESH AND LOCAL THIS SATURDAY: Rhubarb and herbs and more.

The Holt Farmer's Market is on Twitter and , Facebook, has its own website, and a weekly email sent to those who sign up. So, there are many ways to stay informed about your local source of fresh produce, specialty food items made locally and locally made crafts. Stop by and enjoy!
It's always sunny in the Holt Farmer's Market.


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